Grace morning on this terrific Thursday.
If it’s one thing that life teaches us, is how nothing is permanent in this world. Regardless how bad things are, It’s never too late for God to turn it around. Thoughts tell you, “You’ll always struggle with your self image. You’re always going to feel inferior, not valuable”. Don’t believe those lies. Your time is coming. God has not forgotten about you. He’s already headed your way. That problem that’s hindered you for so long is about to suddenly turn around. The loneliness, the financial difficulty, the relationship issue, God is able to do what you never saw coming. Life is too short to have things lingering that are holding you back. Sometimes, we don’t realize how restricted we are, and how constrained we become. We’ve gotten so used to lingering with disorders. One touch from God can be difference maker. You’re not going to go through another year being confined, restricted, limited. God is doing a new thing. You can to rise above it all.
“But only one thing is really important. That is what Mary has chosen to do. Nobody will take it away from her.’”
Luke 10:42 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this triumphant Thursday!