Grace morning on this serene and satisfying Sunday.
We all have times in life where things go wrong: unexpected challenges, close doors, people that walk away. It’s easy to get discouraged and think “We must have missed it because it didn’t work out.” But God uses the wrongs to move us into our purpose. What looks like a setback is really a divine detour, the hand of God taking us through wrongs that are leading us to rights. We don’t understand it, doesn’t make sense to us, “The door closed, that was wrong.” “They lied about me, that was wrong.” “The pandemic hit, right when my business started, that was wrong.” It seems unfair, but the wrongs are necessary to get to the rights. They’re a part of God’s plan. You couldn’t become who you were created to be without the wrongs. If you don’t understand this, you’ll fight everything that goes wrong. You’ll be upset over that co-worker that mistreated you, bitter because that person walked away, discouraged over that plan you were counting on fell through.
“You decided to hurt me. But God caused a good thing to happen because of that. God brought me here to save the lives of many people. You can see how that has really happened!”
Genesis 50:20 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this splendiferous Sunday!