Grace morning on this marvelous and meaningful Monday.
Every wrong is not the enemy, sometimes it’s God working out his plan for your life. How you handle the wrongs will depend on whether you see the right. If you see every wrong as the enemy, get upset, try to pay people back, “I can’t believe this happened”, then you’ll get stuck. But when you understand that God has divine detours, that he uses the wrongs, things we don’t understand to move us into our destiny. There are too many people that get stuck in the wrongs, “Why did they leave me? Why didn’t the loan not go through? Why didn’t I get that position.” Here’s a good thought: don’t fight it, flow with it. Yes, it’s painful. But God wouldn’t have allowed it if it wasn’t leading you to the right thing.
It’s a divine detour. Don’t be frustrated by the wrongs in your life. God is in complete control. You have to get through the wrongs to see the awesome things God has in store.
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”
Ephesians 3:20 KJV
Live, love, and laugh your way through this magnificent Monday!