Grace morning on this serene and seismic Sunday.
Don’t get discouraged by difficulties, it’s just life. The promise we have is not that trouble won’t come, but that the trouble is not going to last. Soon the trouble will be over. When you’re in difficulties, and things happen you don’t understand, it’s easy to live worried thinking “It’s never going to come back around”. You have to remind yourself this promise that it is not permanent. All through the day you need to keep this in your heart, “Father, thank you that this trouble is only temporary, God I truly thank you that it will soon be over”. One reason you get discouraged is, you begin to see trouble as permanent, you don’t see any way to get out. As long as you carry around this “I can’t get it done mentality”, this is how my life is always going to be, you will fill overwhelmed.
If you believe those lies you’ll sink into discouragement , and lose your passion.
Do yourself a favor, Keep trusting in God’s promises.
“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16 KJV
Live, love, and laugh your way through this sufficient and splendiferous Sunday!