Grace morning on this seismic and serene Sunday.
Don’t go through life thinking you’re at a disadvantage, you’re lacking. You have everything you need. People may underestimate you, that’s a part of God’s plan, but don’t underestimate yourself, don’t discount yourself, don’t talk yourself out of the greatness God put in you. Like David that slew Goliath, you might ‘say all I have is this slingshot”. All you need is a slingshot. You’ll be amazed at where you can go with a little talent, little courage, a little faith, a little determination. If you stay focused on what you don’t have, you’ll talk yourself out of it. The right approach is, “Yes, the people are big. Yes, the task is too great, but God, we know you being for us is more than the world being against us. We know, you allow us to be underestimated, so you can show your power in greater ways”. When God breathes on what you have, you will defeat enemies that are bigger, overcome obstacles that look impossible.
“Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.”
Philippians 4:13 MSG
Live, love, and laugh your way through this splendiferous Sunday!