Grace morning on this sensational and sufficient Saturday.
You don’t need great talent to do something great. You don’t have to have great resources to leave your mark. You don’t have to come from an influential family to make a big difference. But if you live thinking, “If I just had something better, better than this present job, if I just had more talent, more education, more finance, more friends that I can count on, more fame, more personality, more courage”, that’s going to limit you. Here’s the key: you have exactly what you need to fulfill your destiny. May seem like it’s small compared to others, but that small with the favor of God, will take you to places you never dreamed. It’s not others holding you back, it’s the lies you’re buying into. “I’m too small, too old, too shy, too clumsy, not strong enough. Many times it’s not other people underestimating us, we’re underestimating who we are. Don’t discount what you have: if you needed more God would have given you more.
“Moses raised another objection to God: “Master, please, I don’t talk well. I’ve never been good with words, neither before nor after you spoke to me. I stutter and stammer.” God said, “And who do you think made the human mouth? And who makes some mute, some deaf, some sighted, some blind? Isn’t it I, God? So, get going. I’ll be right there with you—with your mouth! I’ll be right there to teach you what to say.””
Exodus 4:10-12 MSG
Live, love, and laugh your way through this satisfying Saturday!