Grace morning on this festive and fresh Friday.
In the scripture Jacob was known for being dishonest, cheating people. His name means trickster, con man. He lived up to it: he tricked his brother out of his birthright, went around deceiving people. After living this way for years, he had an encounter with God, he wrestled with an angel, God changed his name from Jacob to Israel. His new name means “Prince with God”, his old name meant “Deceiver”. He spent the rest of his life dealing with these two names. Jacob had a new beginning. But the scripture goes back and forth between Jacob and Israel, one moment he’s Jacob, in the same passage the next moment he’s Israel. God was showing us that the old man, the carnal desires won’t totally go away. There’s a Jacob in all of us, there are things that can hold us back. The good news is: there’s an Israel in all of us, there’s a prince in you, there’s a forgiving, righteous, favored, strong, world changer in you.
“The things that you want to do as a weak person are opposite to the things that God's Spirit wants. The things that God's Spirit wants are the opposite of what we want as weak people. Our own thoughts fight against what God's Spirit wants us to do. As a result, you are not free to do the things that you really want to do.”
Galatians 5:17 EEB
Live, love,and laugh your way through this favored and fantabulous Friday!