Grace morning on this wonderful and winsome Wednesday.
Sometimes when we're not getting our way we want to run. We're not getting the credit, they don't see my talent, this supervisor is not fair, I'm out of here. And yes, there are times we need to move on, but you can't run every time it's uncomfortable in your marriage, your job, your school. Some of the things that we want to run from is a test. God is seeing how we'll serve when we're not being treated right, what kind of attitude will we have when it's not fair, when we're uncomfortable, not getting the credit. Don't have a running mentality.
Every time you don't get your way you change jobs, change friends, change churches, change spouses... Stop running! Grow in those times! Let your roots grow down deeper. You don't have to keep running from your past, your mistakes, what you're not proud of. Don't be moved by what's not working out, your character is being developed. God is seeing what he can trust you with.
“‘You get very tired when you try to run faster than other men. So you will never run faster than horses. You fall over on flat fields. So you will certainly fall near the River Jordan, when you are among many trees and bushes.”
Jeremiah 12:5 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this incredible worry-less Wednesday!