Grace morning on this tranquil and triumphant Tuesday.
When you stop running and deal with what you know is hindering you, it's not going to be as hard as you think. God is going to give you the grace. Don't spend your whole life running. What you run from you'll always have to go back and deal with before you can move forward. When you comfort and don't confront, all you’re doing is putting off where God wants to take you. You’re delaying seeing new levels. God will never ask you to do a hard thing, and not give you the ability to do it. When he's asking you to do something difficult, the grace is there, but you have to step into it. Your mind will tell you, "You can't forgive, they hurt you too badly". "You'll never break the addiction, just learn to live with it". "You can't do something great, you're insecure, you're unqualified". Don't believe those lies. There's nothing the enemy would love any more than for you to spend your life running from God’s purpose for your life.
“But Jonah got up and went the other direction to Tarshish, running away from God. He went down to the port of Joppa and found a ship headed for Tarshish. He paid the fare and went on board, joining those going to Tarshish—as far away from God as he could get.”
Jonah 1:3 MSG
Live, love, and laugh your way through this terrific Tuesday!