Grace morning on this fantastic and festive Friday.
Breaking News on this morning! Our sovereign Lord has good things for you.
It's not based on how well you perform, who likes you, what family you come from, what the economy does. These are blessings, favor, breakthroughs, that God has already written in your script. Instead of worrying, thinking that it's never going to happen, trying to earn it, why don't you say, "Oh, sovereign Lord, thank you for the good things you have in store for me. Thank you for choosing me before I could choose you. Thank you for not depending on my performance, my faith, my circumstances, but blessing me because of your goodness". No one, and nothing can change, corrupt or compromise, God's sovereign will. You may not perform perfectly all the time, you may not deserve his blessing, but when it's his sovereign will, it doesn't depend on what you do or don't do. God has decided to make it happen. What God decides is unalterable God is in total control.
“Then Jehoshaphat took a position before the assembled people of Judah and Jerusalem at The Temple of God in front of the new courtyard and said, “O God, God of our ancestors, are you not God in heaven above and ruler of all kingdoms below? You hold all power and might in your fist—no one stands a chance against you!”
2 Chronicles 20:5-6 MSG
Live, love, and laugh your way through this fantabulous Friday.