Grace morning on this tremendous and tranquil Tuesday.
God's word, the right mirror image says, many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers us out of them all. It says when the enemy comes like a flood, God raises up a barrier.
It says your latter days will be better than your former days. If you'll see yourself that way, as a victor, and not a victim, then even in tough times you'll stay confident, hopeful, expecting God's favor, knowing that he didn't bring you this far to leave you. He hasn't failed you in the past, he's not going to start now. Have an image of victory. You're not weak, defeated, overcome by problems, you're a warrior, you've been armed with strength for every battle. You are full of can-do power.
The forces that are for you are greater than forces that are against you. Don't go through life looking in distorted mirrors, mirrors that are magnifying wrong things, causing you to see yourself as small, unworthy, limited, and unqualified.
“So I will go to my father and tell him, ‘I have done bad things against God, and I have done bad things against you. So I am not good enough for you to call me your son any longer. Instead, please accept me as one of your servants.’ ””
Luke 15:18-19 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this triumphant and thankful Tuesday!