Grace morning on this serene and seismic Sunday.
Long before you arrived God wrote a script for you.
The fact that you're here is a sign that the stage has been set, all the props are in place, the people that you need. Yes, there may be some drama, some ups and downs, things you don't understand, but you can stay in peace, knowing that it's all working according to his will. You're not at the mercy of fate, happenstance, hope you get some good breaks, bonus, or blessing.
There is a sovereign God who is in control of your life. His sovereign will cannot be overridden by bad choices, by other people, by how you were raised, by what you didn't get. You didn't show up because your mother and father decided to have a baby. Wasn't a random coincidence that they got together. Sometimes when a pregnancy is not planned we say, "This baby was a surprise". You may have been a surprise to your parents, but you're not a surprise to our God.
“My little children, you belong to God. You have won against those people with a false message. You have been able to do that because God's Holy Spirit is in you. He is more powerful than the spirit that belongs to this world.”
1 John 4:4 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this sensational and splendid Sunday!