Grace morning on this sensational and satisfying Saturday.
God’s blessing will overtake you, when you’re in his will. You'll see favor that you didn't have anything to do with. You didn't earn it, you weren't born into it, you can't explain it, it's the unstoppable God carrying out the plan that he decided long ago. When you go to a broadway play, you don't show up and the actors are all there without a script, "Play starts in 15 minutes, let's decide what we're going to do. The script has already been written. Long before the actors ever arrive, the writer has already decided what's going to take place. The script already finalized. In the same way you didn't show up on planet earth, and God say, "Okay, let me figure out a script for you. Let me figure out what role they're going to play". You weren't born into an empty stage. God didn't say, "I have to think about what environment they should be in, what family I should use, what people, what experiences, God had your life planned before you arrived.
““Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations— that’s what I had in mind for you.””
Jeremiah 1:5 MSG
Live, love, and laugh your way through this incredible sufficient and splendid Saturday!