Grace morning on this sensational and satisfying Saturday.
Living with a New Mindset should be your ultimate goal, when you’re faced disappointments and setbacks. It's easy to get stuck in life and think that you’ve gone as far as you can. What could be holding you back many times is your own thinking. Jesus said, "You can't put new wine into old wineskins". Wineskins in that day were made out of leather. When they got old, the leather would become hard and rigid. If you put new wine in it, the wine would expand and cause the wine skin to burst. This is saying, "You can't have a new life with old thinking". If you think you've reached your limits, then you have. If you think the problem is too big, then it is. If you think you'll never meet the right person, you probably won't. It's not that God doesn't have blessings, favor, increase - could be that your wine skin is old. You have to get a new mindset. Start believing bigger, dreaming bigger, expecting bigger.
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:”
Philippians 2:5 KJV
Live, love, and laugh your way through this sufficient and superb Saturday!