Grace morning on this fantastic and fruitful Friday.
God wants you to think of the times in life when you faced nothing but lack, defeat, mediocrity.
That whole time He was sustaining you, not letting you go under. God has not forgotten about you.
He's been carrying you all these years through the hardship, through the lack, through the struggle.
That's why the enemy couldn't take you out.
That's why that sickness couldn't end your life.
That accident couldn't stop your purpose. When those things tried to push you down, God lifted you up.
He carried you when you were left out, when the medical report wasn't good, when the business went down. When you're given your time and energy to help others, God is going to give you fresh strength. When you're doing the right thing when it's hard, keeping a good attitude when you've been through loss, helping someone else in your time of need, you should be worn out, discouraged, now you're going to feel God’s supernatural power lifting you, breathing strength, favor, endurance into your life.
“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16 KJV
Live, love, and laugh your way through this fresh and fantabulous Friday!