Grace morning on this seismic and satisfying Sunday.
Happy thoughts are, "God, I'm grateful to be alive. I'm excited about my future. I believe you're turning my gloom into your glory. When you think happy thoughts, it not only lifts your spirit, but that attitude of faith is what allows God to do amazing things. Even when it doesn't go your way, just keep thinking happy thoughts, keep giving God praise, keep thanking him that he's working in your life, keep being grateful when you could be complaining, keep thinking victory even when you're seeing defeat. Joy is not dependent on what's going on around you, it's dependent on what's going on in you. You’ve been through a lot of loss, a lot of heartache" - that is not how your story ends. Understand this key principle: you have to give yourself permission to be happy. Sometimes you’re tempted to buy into the lie that you’re not supposed to be happy, been through too much, made too many mistakes. If I’m happy, people may not understand.
“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with your right hand you save me.”
Psalms 138:7 NIV
Live, love, and laugh your way through this serene and splendiferous Sunday!