Grace morning on this fresh and fantastic Friday.
What would happen if you took on the nature of birds. You would sing God praises every morning? Not be moved by your conditions nor circumstances, but you would sing in the dark when things aren't favorable. You would sing in the cold, when you didn’t feel like it. You could be discouraged, down, disappointed, complaining, instead you’ll be making the choice that you’re going to live this day happy. One reason birds are happy, is they haven't watched the news. They haven't read the paper, they're not on social media, nobody has told them they're supposed to be worried, afraid, upset.
Outside circumstances don’t affect birds, because of what they have on the inside.
They believe their Heavenly Father is in control. They've seen him take care of them in the past, they believe he'll take care of them in the future. If you're going to live joyfully, you may have to tune some things out.
You can't take in negative all the time and stay in faith. Think on things that are pure, positive, and productive. Our thinking has a lot to do with our happiness.
“The purpose of these troubles is to show whether you really trust God. When you believe in Jesus, that is more valuable even than gold. People put gold into a hot fire to see if it genuine.”
1 Peter 1:7a-c EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this fruitful and fantabulous Friday!