Grace morning on this marvelous and meaningful Monday.
You’re inner life is more important than your outer life. What’s going on in your emotions, how you feel about yourself, what you’re allowing to play in your mind, that’s affecting what’s happening on the outside. You wake up in the morning, you wonder, “Why you’re still tired? Why you don’t have any energy”? It’s because your mind worked all night. Your body laid there, but your mind wrestled, wondered, worked, reasoned, “What if? How could i? What may happen”? You’re trying to control things that you can’t control, trying to fix people that you can’t fix, worried about a problem that may not even happen. Or even bitter over something that took place 20 years ago. You can’t take in all those toxins and not be poisoned. You can’t let anger, unforgiveness, guilt, worry dominate your life. If you’ll get your soul healthy, you’ll get your energy back. If you’ll quit letting the negative emotions rule, then many of these physical ailments will go, it’s all interconnected.
“Be very careful to keep your mind safe. The thoughts that you think make you the person that you are.”
Proverbs 4:23 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this magnificent Monday!