Grace morning on this terrific Tuesday.
We’ve all met people, we’re not around them 15 minutes and we can tell they’re bitter, they’re a worrier, they’re a complainer, they’re angry. Instead of a sweet-smelling aroma, grateful, good natured, joyful, they’re putting out an odor. Their attitude is sour, their words are negative, they’re focused on what’s wrong, they’re expecting the worst. Don’t let what you’re putting out keep you from your potential. Instead of worrying, living stress, start believing that God is in control, thanking him that he’s working out his plan for your life. God is attracted to praise. Try saying, “Lord, thank you for waking me up this morning. Thank you for giving me breath to breathe. Thank you that I’m healthy. Thank you for my family, for opportunity, for protection, for favor.” That’s creating an atmosphere of praise. If you want to attract favor, joy, peace, creativity, start sending up some praise. Start thanking God for what he’s done. Start bragging on his goodness. Start declaring his victory over your life.
“But now, bring someone to play music on a harp for me.’ While the man was making music, the Lord's power came to Elisha.”
2 Kings 3:15 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this triumphant and tranquil Tuesday!