Grace morning on this serene and sensational Sunday.
In life pay attention to what kind of atmosphere you’re creating. You can’t complain and see breakthroughs. You can’t go around talking about problems, how’s it not going to work out, who is hindering you to reach your potential. That negative atmosphere will stop your victory. The scripture (Psalm 22:3) says that “God inhabits the praises of his people.” He doesn’t inhabit complaints. He doesn’t inhabit frustration, depression, worry, “Why is this taking so long? That doesn’t get God’s attention. But when he hears you talking about his greatness, praising when you could be complaining, declaring his promises when you’re up against giants, thanking him that he’s working when nothing is changing, that’s when God says, “Let me step in. Let me fight that battle. Let me make a way. Let me bring promotion, healing, favor.” One version says, “God is enthroned when we praise him.” When you’re full of praise, you’re building a throne for God to sit on in your life. No problem or situation can dethrone God!
“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16 KJV
Live, love, and laugh your way through this sufficient and satisfying Sunday!