Grace morning on this festive and fabulous Friday.
Life comes with a multitude of mistakes and mishaps, you may have enemies coming against you, but you have an advantage, God has placed you out of reach.
Your enemy can’t defeat you nor keep you from your destiny. It may feel like you’re surrounded by problems; the truth is, you are surrounded by God’s favor. The forces that are for you are greater than the forces that are against you. God does not force anyone into relationship with him. But he will be there, waiting patiently, walking beside you on the path even if you choose to ignore him, or doubt his presence.
God doesn’t mind waiting. He has infinite patience.
God has promised to protect you from things meant to harm you. He will watch over you and your family. He will provide shelter and safety in times of trouble. He will keep you when you are attacked by the enemy. You can be confident in God’s protection, God will always see you through.
“God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life. He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always.”
Psalms 121:7-8 MSG
Live, love, and laugh your way through this fantabulous Friday!