Grace morning on this terrific and tranquil Tuesday.
No matter what our circumstance is, you can immediately turn to God for hope and assurance. You can be encouraged in the fact that, no matter what dark place you’re currently navigating, God is also there, lighting the way. It doesn’t matter how dark the night seems, how long and winding the path or how far your flashlight allows you to see. The Lord will light your way, and He knows exactly how much light you need on the journey. There’s no need to linger in the darkness or doubt, no need to wonder who’s watching or to be discouraged by the path you’re on. You’re on assignment, and God has things stored up for you that no diagnosis, disintegrating relationship, discouraging news or darkness can stop you from reaching. Hold on to that dream, that promise of healing and that hope for a breakthrough. You may even be surprised with what you’re able to navigate because of God’s light and presence in your life.
“Everything’s falling apart on me, God; put me together again with your Word.”
Psalms 119:107 MSG
Live, love, and laugh your way through this triumphant Tuesday!