Grace morning on this serene and spendiferous Sunday.
Make sure your words are going in the right direction. You can’t talk negative and have a positive life. You can’t talk defeat, and live victoriously. You can’t talk lack, and expect abundance. Your words are setting the course for your life. If you want to know what you’re going to be like five years from now, listen to what you’re saying about yourself. “I can’t accomplish my goals, I don’t have the connections. I’m so lonely, I don’t think I’ll ever meet the right person” – you just invited more loneliness. “It’s going to be a rough year, with inflation, trouble at work I’m having, trying to raise these children on my own” – you’re inviting difficulties, hardships. Do yourself a favor, change your invitations. Start sending out some new words, “It’s going to be a great year. I’m surrounded by favor. I’m strong in the Lord. Goodness and mercy are chasing me. The right people are tracking me down. The best part of my life is still in front of me”.
“If you want to keep away from trouble, always be careful about what you say.”
Proverbs 21:23 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this sensational and satisfying Sunday!