Grace morning on this thankful Thanksgiving Thursday.
Be patient in trouble, you don’t know what God has planned, you don’t know where God is takeing you. The enemy will love for your eyes to become dim, where you live discouraged, and depressed, “Look at all these bad breaks”. No, there is restoration, healing, and abundance. God has things in your future that you cannot conceive right now. And sometimes you have to go through a dark season, disappointment, through the hardship, but on the other side you’re going to see favor that you would have never seen. One way that God works on our character is through trials and suffering. Whether it be loss, betrayal or abuse, each presents an opportunity to become more like Christ. How you choose to respond to these hurts will reveal your internal heart condition. This refinement process can be a painful one, God can do something unusual, blessings chasing you down, good breaks that push you ahead. Never forget that life is not about you! You exist for God’s purposes, not vice versa.
“Thank the Lord because he is good. His faithful love for his people continues for ever. Everyone that the Lord has rescued should tell others. Tell them how he has rescued you from the enemy's power.”
Psalms 107:1-2 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this tremendous Thanksgiving Thursday!