Grace morning on this sensational and serene Sunday.
Each struggle brings an opportunity for God to manifest more of his power in you. It is his strength to take us through to the end and our training for the royalty that awaits us in heaven. Yet, there are still times when the answer to our prayers for help seems so far away. Even knowing God has a purpose for our trials, the things that come against us in this world will never make sense to us.
God is not only strategically directing your steps, He’s orchestrating everything around you. He has the people you need, that will be there just when you need them the most. It’s easy to go through life worried about how you’re going to pay your bills, or get out of a problem. You look at all the reasons why it’s not going to work out. But when God laid out the plan for your life, He lined up everything you need to fulfill your destiny: every good break, person, and solution.
“Simon replied, ‘Teacher, we worked all last night and we did not catch anything. But because you say it, I will put the nets into the water again.’”
Luke 5:5 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this satisfying and splendiferous Sunday!