Grace morning on this fresh and fruitful Friday!
You can live out of a place of rest, knowing that the wrongs, the things you don’t understand, they’re not stopping you, they’re leading you in to the perfect plan God laid out for you.
There may be things in your life right now that you’re disappointed over, that weren’t fair, you don’t understand. One day you’re going to look back and say, “It had to happen. They had to say no.” “That person I trusted had to betray me.” “The door had to close.” “The storm had to come.”
All these things had to go wrong, so you could get to the right place. You have to go through the wrongs before you get to the right. God will give you the promise, he’ll drop the dream in your heart, but if you don’t know how to handle the wrongs, if you don’t realize the wrongs are all a part of his plan, that the wrongs are leading you to rights, then you’ll get discouraged along the way.
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 KJV
Live, love, and laugh your way through this fantablous Friday!