Grace morning on this winsome and wonderful Wednesday.
Life is full of choices.
When you choose to keep God first, he’ll guide you down the best path. God can put desires in you that will take you further than you can imagine. You think you’ve reached your limits, according to your education, your family, your income. But God is not limited by any of that. Because you keep him first, he can open doors you never dream would open, bring opportunity, influence, favor, resources. The best path is an abundant path, a favor-filled path, a bountiful path. How do you get there? Commit your ways to the Lord, he’ll not only put the right desires in you, he’ll make sure you have the power to do what pleases him. Where would we be without the mercy of God? When we didn’t keep him first, when we didn’t listen to his voice, he still guided us, he still protected us. If your child is off course, keep praying. God can give them new desires, his desires, desires that move them into their destiny.
“I was patient while I waited for the Lord to help me. He turned towards me, and he heard me when I called to him. He lifted me out of the deep hole of danger. He picked me up out of the mud. He put my feet on a rock. Then I could walk and not slip.”
Psalms 40:1-2 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this worry-less and winnable Wednesday!