Grace morning on this terrific and triumphant Tuesday.
The story of Moses living on the backside of the desert, can be life changing. He killed an Egyptian foreman, that was mistreating a Hebrew slave. He got out of God’s timing, and had to flee for his life. He was discouraged, felt like he missed his destiny. God came to him in a burning bush. He could have come to him in a cloud, very peaceful, at a lake, very serene. But God came to him in a fire. Moses went over to this bush that wouldn’t burn up. God could have said, “Moses, you blew it, you’ve made too many mistakes, you’ve missed your destiny”? No, God said, you’re still going to deliver the Israelites. That fire was saying, “Moses, you’re about to see new opportunities”. Like Moses you may think you’ve missed your chance. If you’d only made better decisions, been more disciplined, it’s been too long now. Those seeds are still in you. You may have given up, but God has not given up.
“"Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28 CEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this thankful Tuesday!