Grace morning on this serene and seismic Sunday.
We all face times where we feel like we’re at a disadvantage, others have more experience, more qualifications, more resources. Seems like they get the good breaks, the best positions. It’s easy to feel overlooked and left out. God knows how to reverse the order. He loves to promote people who are not next in line, to take those who are overlooked, discounted and push them into their destiny. Being discounted, left out is not how your story ends – a reversal is coming. What looks permanent is only temporary. God didn’t create you to live at a disadvantage. He didn’t breathe life into you to go around being overlooked. He didn’t crown you with favor for you to be discounted. One shift and you’ll go from being overlooked to being in charge, from being left out to leading, from being disrespected to being honored. ‘Don’t get discouraged if you feel like you’re the last so to speak, you’re in perfect position for God to powerfully work in your life.
“Jesus then said, ‘So, one day, those people who are not important now will become the most important. Those people who are very important now will become the least important.’”
Matthew 20:16 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this subperb and spendifsrous Sunday!