Grace morning on this fresh and fantastic Friday.
God will not mismanage your life. He knows how much fire, how much heat, how much pressure you can handle. He controls the thermostat. If that fire was going to take you out, he wouldn’t have allowed it. You are well able, you are strong in the Lord, you are full of CDP (can-do power). Keep the right perspective: the fiery trail you’re experiencing is not going to burn you up, it’s releasing you into new levels. In fact the fire is all a part of God’s plan, so you can become everything you were created to be. That’s why Peter said (1 Peter 4:12), “Don’t think it’s strange when you face fiery trials”. He could have said, “When you face difficulties, adversities”, but he used the word “Fiery”. God was saying, “Sometimes I’m gonna let you go through the fire, through things you don’t understand, things that are not fair”. You’ll be tempted to get bitter, upset, but trust God’s timing, testing and teaching.
“We have these little troubles that continue for a short time. But as a result, we will receive the great things that God has prepared for us. Those great things are much more important than our little troubles. And God's great things will continue for ever!”
2 Corinthians 4:17 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this fantabulous Friday!