Grace morning on this wonderful and winsome Wednesday.
Life has a way bombarding us trouble to the point, we often forget who God has created us to be. The true you is the blessed you, the happy you, the successful you, the forgiving you, the confident you. It’s still in you. The beauty of our God is he never loses the vision of the true you. He still remembers the reverence he felt when he created you. Despite all the flaws, weaknesses, disappointments, he still sees the masterpiece, he still knows who you really are. But life tries to put all these things on us to keep the true you from coming out: impatience, jealousy, compromise, bad breaks. The good news is God is not going to leave you like that. He’s going to keep working on you, making you, molding you until the true you comes out: the free you, the blessed you, the patient you, the victorious you. God specializes in removing everything that’s not the true you.
“When I have trouble, your promise gives me peace in my mind. It makes my life strong again.”
Psalms 119:50 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this worry-less Wednesday!