Grace morning on this triumphant and thankful Thursday.
Don’t get discouraged because of who you are right now, God still has his divine chisel, he’s still removing things that are limiting your destiny. You haven’t seen your best days. The rock is still in you. The successful you, the strong you, the stable you, the determine you, the devoted you, the disciplined you, the faithful you, the favored you. Like those two amateur artists that saw a slab of marble, and said it’s unstable, it’s too weak, it has too many flaws. Michelangelo came along and saw the same slab of marble, and sculptured it into a stature of King David. There will always be people that try to discount you, tell you what you can’t become, how you’re not talented enough, you’ve made too many mistakes. Don’t let them talk you out of becoming the true you. The good news is: they’re not your artist, they don’t have the divine chisel. You’re not dependent on what they think, what they can do. Your sculptor is God!
“Then the Lord God took some soil from the ground and he made a man. He breathed air into the nose of the man to give him life. So, the man became alive.”
Genesis 2:7 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this tremendous and tranquil Thursday!