Grace morning on this serene and seismic Sunday.
Life comes with critics that are at their best when they criticize. You shouldn’t allow what people say to diminish your desire to reach your destiny. Remember you have the Creator of the universe, the God who makes spectacular solar systems, magnificent mountain ranges, amazing sunsets. That’s the artist that’s working on you. He’s chiseling away everything that’s not the true you. He can see things that you can’t see. So often we let our circumstances determine who we are, how people treat us determine our value, how well we perform determine our worth, what someone said determine our self-image. God looks beyond all that. Like in the scripture with David, he sees the giant killer in the shepherd boy. God knows what’s in you. You may have made mistakes, done things you’re not proud of – God sees the redeemed you, the restored you, the honored you. You may be thinking you’re not that talented – God sees the history maker in you.
“I have thought about the way that I live. I have decided to return to your teaching. I will be quick to obey your commands. I will not be slow to do that.”
Psalms 119:59-60 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this splendid and sufficient Sunday!