Grace morning on this tranquil and triumphant Tuesday.
We all have faced our share of CAN’T SEE IT MOMENTS. Can’t see how to make ends meet, overcome this huge financial debt, meeting that special person, forgiving the person who wrong you, the list could go on. Looking at your situation from a natural perspective, can prove to be frustrating, but you have something on the inside, the seed of Almighty God. It will take you where you can’t go on your own. But sometimes doubt will whisper, “You don’t have what it takes. How could you accomplish that dream? Where are you going to get the funds?
How can you leave your family better off? You’re barely making it each week. How can you get that promotion? Your co-workers more qualified, they have more training”. God uses underestimated people. When you’re looked down on, told it’s not going to happen, trusting God can make the difference.
It’s going to be uncommon.
People are going to be scratching their heads: how did you become that successful?
“Immediately, Jesus put out his hand and he took hold of Peter. He said to Peter, ‘You should trust me more than you do. Why did you not believe that I could help you?’”
Matthew 14:31 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this thankful Tuesday!