Grace morning on this tranquil and terrific Tuesday.
If you’re going to listen to the whisper, you have to have your ear tuned to what you’re feeling. Don’t let the loud thoughts drown out the gentle whisper. Develop your ear to where the whisper becomes the loudest voice. God knows the future. He knows what we’re going to need, what to avoid, what not to do. At the time we may not understand it, doesn’t make sense, we’re uncomfortable, but you can trust the whisper, you can trust that knowing. Not in your mind, but in your heart. Don’t override the still small voice. God is leading you down the best path.
You can’t accomplish your purpose on your own. The whispers are what gives you an advantage. The whispers will give you inside information. The reason God whispers is because he’s close to you. You don’t whisper to strangers, you don’t whisper to people you barely know you, you whisper to your spouse, you whisper to your children, you whisper to someone you love and trust.
“Everyone who knows you, Lord, trusts in you. You will never turn away from anyone who comes to you for help.”
Psalms 9:10 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this triumphant Tuesday!