Grace morning on this wonderful and winsome Wednesday.
We’re all going to face attacks, anxiety, and anger at sometime on this journey.
You will face trouble, trials, temptation and tough moments. The prince of this world will come, he has no power over you, but we have to do what God requires. We can’t sit back, “Why did this happen? This is not fair”. What God requires is to move forward in faith. Don’t let fear hold you back. Don’t believe the lies that it’s permanent. Don’t water down your dreams. You can walk out of that room. Now, get your passion back, and go after what God put in your heart. If you’re going to reach your potential, you have to stir up your gifts, pray some bold prayers, take steps of faith. What’s trying to stop you is defeated, the people who were holding you back, they’ve lost their influence. The trouble at work, those powers have been broken. Now, do what the Father requires and move forward. It’s time to take possession of what God promised you.
“Before they pray to me, I will answer them. While they are still speaking, I will hear them.”
Isaiah 65:24 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this worry-less Wednesday!