Grace morning on this winsome and wonderful Wednesday.
Don’t pray for victory, pray from victory. “Father, thank you that I am free. I’m going to bounce back. I am forgiven. I am prosperous.
I am victorious”. But the challenge is: even though our enemy is defeated, he makes a lot of noise. The scripture says, “He goes about as a roaring lion”. He’s not a lion, he can’t overpower you, he can’t control your destiny. He’s like a lion. That means he’s loud, he’ll roar negative thoughts, “That problem will be the end of you. You’ll never meet the right person. You’ve made too many mistakes, nothing good is in your future”. Do yourself a favor: ignore the roar. Don’t believe his lies. When those thoughts come, just give him the zero sign. Remind him, “You have no power over me. You’ve already been defeated. Because I belong to God, I will walk in victory.
I will live and not die. I will prosper and succeed. I will stay in peace in the midst of a storm”.
“But now we thank God! Because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we win against death and its power.”
1 Corinthians 15:57 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this worry-less Wednesday!