Grace morning on this sensational and serene Sunday.
Everything God created, has the inward capacity to grow. There is something wrong if you’re not growing.
You should be further now than you were five years ago.
If you’re still dealing with losing your temper the same as years ago, then you’re allowing the flesh on the throne. If you’re still getting offended, easily upset, the same way as years back, then you’re allowing the flesh to dictate your life.
This is not to say you have to be perfect, but you should be improving. God doesn’t remove everything that’s uncomfortable. If He did, you wouldn’t grow. Instead of praying, “God, change the other person”, you should consider praying, “God, change me. Help me to come up higher. Help me to be more patient. Help me to stay in peace”. Even now, you will be challenged when you get stuck in traffic, or there’s a long line at the airport, that impatience still tries to get back on the throne, still tries to dictate your life.
“Punishment never makes us happy at the time when we receive it. No, the pain makes us sad. But later we know that the punishment has taught us good things. It helps us to live in a right way that gives us peace in our minds. So, be strong as servants of God! If your hands feel weak, lift them up! If your knees are not strong, stand up straight!”
Hebrews 12:11-12 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this seismic Sunday!