Grace morning on this serene and seismic Sunday.
There's a battle taking place on the inside of each one of us. It's a battle between the flesh and the spirit. The flesh represents our carnal nature, it's things like jealousy, pride, envy. It's the easy way to live. You don't have to be disciplined, you just do whatever you feel. Someone's rude to you, you're rude back to them.
If you don't feel like having
a good attitude, go through the day sour. The flesh wants to rule, it wants to have control. You get stuck in traffic, your flesh will tell you, "Get upset, this is ruining your day". You have to be careful not to follow the dictates of the flesh. Stand and stay strong in songs and scripture. When you get upset, it sours your day.
At work someone leaves you out, doesn't invite you to the meeting, the flesh says,
“Get offended, this is not right". You get offended, chip on your shoulder. The problem is: if you keep giving into the flesh.
“So, my Christian friends, we must not obey what our weak human thoughts tell us to do. We no longer have to live like that.”
Romans 8:12 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this sensational Sunday!