Grace morning on this sensational Saturday.
Some time in life you may have done your best, You gave it your heart and soul, but didn’t work out. You didn’t get the position, the relationship didn’t make it, the business didn’t succeed. God is saying to you, “How long are you going to mourn over what you lost? Over what didn’t work out? Over what wasn’t fair”? Who knows where God will take you and your children, if you’ll just get back up again? Anything you lost you didn’t need to become who you were created to be. Friendships, people, contracts, if you lost it don’t sweat it. What you have left is what God is going to use to move you into your purpose. Don’t focus on what you’ve lost. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t your fault. But your destiny is not in what you’ve lost, it’s in what you have left”. God will take what you have left, breathe on it, and it will multiply. People may overlook you, but God sees you.
“When Jesus got to the tree, he looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, hurry down. Today is my day to be a guest in your home.””
Luke 19:5 MSG
Live, love, and laugh your way through this sufficient and satisfying Saturday!