Grace morning on this marvelous and meaningful Monday.
There is a very interesting story about a bear, he had lived in a 12 foot by 12 foot cage all of his life, since he was a little cub. During the day he would pace back and forth, back and forth, hours at a time. He stayed in that limited environment year after year. He was created to run, be free. Authorities made arrangements for him to be taken to a zoo. It was a large area, everywhere you look there was green grass. They opened the cage, but the bear wouldn't get out. They push him into the green grass. He never went to the pools, never climbed the rocks, never played with the other bears. He got out of the cage, but that cage never got out of him.His story was, "I'm limited, I can't go any further", when the truth is he had a whole field to play in. The story you tell yourself is very is one that will determine your destiny.
“That is why I did not come to talk to you myself. Instead, just say that my servant will get better. I know that he will then be well again.”
Luke 7:7 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this magnificent Monday!