Grace morning on this sufficient and sensational Saturday.
You can rise above people’s persistent pettiness?
Stop letting them steal your joy, stop giving them your power. When you let someone else determine whether or not you're going to stay in peace, you're handing them your thermostat, you're letting them control your temperature. They say something rude, you get upset. They leave you out, you get offended. They ignore you, your day is soured. Do yourself a favor, take your thermostat back. Quit letting other people control your atmosphere, determine your mood, your peace, your joy. You can't control what they do, but you can control how you respond. Next time they rude, just smile and go about your day. When they leave you out, just stay in peace, "God, thank you that you're fighting my battles. You're my vindicator". When they try to make you feel small, just ignore it and move on. They don't determine your destiny. You're not who they say you are, you are who God says you are one of a kind.
“It’s a school of hard knocks for those who leave God’s path, a dead-end street for those who hate God’s rules.”
Proverbs 15:10 MSG
Live, love, and laugh your way through this splendid and satisfying Saturday!