Grace morning on this sensational and seismic Sunday.
You should tell every closed door, "You are not permanent. You will not keep me from my destiny.
You don't have the final say, my doorkeeper has the final say. He's promised he will open doors that no person can shut. He will break through bars of iron. He will break chains to get me into my purpose". I can see right now through my eyes of faith doors opening. I can see chains breaking. I can see you stepping into new levels of freedom, health, favor, abundance. I can see ancient gates that have held you back for years, they're opening up. The king of glory is about to come in.
He's going to do things you can't explain, it's going to be supernatural. Doors opening you never dream would open. Promotion coming to you. The right people showing up. Healing when the report says, "There's no way". Freedom from things that have limited you. These open doors can lift you into your destiny.
“On the evening of that same day, the first day of the week, the disciples were all together. They had locked the doors of the room because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Then Jesus came and he stood among them. He said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’”
John 20:19 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this satisfying and splendiferous Sunday!