Grace morning on this tranquil and thankful Tuesday.
There are times when we just don't like problems.
You have to tell yourself “I'm uncomfortable, but I know God is in control, I know you're ordering my steps.
I'm not just going to come out, I'm going to come out stronger, better than I was before". Sometimes the problem, help you develope, a greater trust in God, you learned that you can make it through things that you thought would take you under. You saw the faithfulness of God.
You felt him sustaining you, strengthening you, making ways where you didn't see a way. Your faith grew, your spiritual muscles got stronger, your character was developed. Every time you come through a challenge, that's fuel for your faith.
God is preparing you for greater things. The next time you face a problem, you'll "Think this is no big deal. You’re learn: the bigger the problem - the bigger your destiny. The bigger the challenge - the bigger the promotion. God doesn't send big problems to people with small futures.
“Jesus said to her, ‘I told you already that you must believe in me. Then you will see how great and how powerful God is.’”
John 11:40 EEB
Live, love, and laugh your way through this tremendous Tuesday!