Grace morning on this tranquil and thankful Tuesday.
On the way to your destiny there will be detours, people that do you wrong, times you don't see how it can work out: you don't have the provision, the dream looks impossible, the obstacle too big. You'll be tempted to worry, live stressed out.
No, stay in peace: God is going to carry you all the way until you reach your destination. God has the strength and power to carrying you. You never get too old for God to carry you. When you're tempted and worried, you start to feel overwhelmed. You start things, "I don't think I can make it through this sickness, How can I make it through this loss? The people at my work place are so unfair". Instead of worrying, thank God for carrying you. Start thanking God for being your protector, provider, deliverer, your Way-maker". God is carrying you right now, but if you don't recognize it, you'll live stressed and upset.
God is holding you tightly, nothing can snatch you away.
“and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”
John 10:28 KJV
Live, love, and laugh your way through this tremendous and triumphant Tuesday!