Grace morning on this serene and seismic Sunday.
The longer you live the more you learned to trust God's timing. God knows what he's doing. He can see the larger and elongated picture.
If it hasn't happened yet, it hasn't been the right time. You have to trust God’s excellent timing. It doesn’t mean it's not going to happen, God has not forgotten about you. Your right time is already on His schedule. If it would have happened sooner, it wouldn't have been a blessing.
In the waiting process God is doing a work in you, getting you stronger, developing your character, preparing you to carry the weight of glory. If the situation is not changing, maybe God is using the situation to change you. If it's not working out yet, maybe he's working out something in you. The test is: will you trust him while you're waiting for the right time? Will you keep a good attitude? Will you continue being faithful, when you don't see anything happening?
This is when it's easy to get discouraged, and slip into being lethargic in serving God and appreciating all He has brought you through in the years past. Live, love, and laugh your way through this sensational Sunday!