Grace morning on this winsome and wonderful Wednesday.
James reminds us, that our life is like a vapor. If we really understood how valuable each day is, we would do our best to live it happier. It's easy to take it for granted, just get up, go through the motions, deal with the challenges, the day is gone. But if you'll have a new perspective, and start seeing every day as your best day, then you won't let little things upset you. You'll take time to enjoy the people God's given you to love. You'll stop by and say "Hello" to that neighbor that's lonely, you'll think more happy thoughts, you'll live more grateful, you'll make the most of each day. You may have some difficulties, things you could be sour about, things that could take your joy, but if you'll keep it in the right perspective, recognizing that this day is a gift from God, that really it's the best day of your life, then it's easier to live it happy. Don’t get sidetracked by worrying.
“Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.”
Philippians 4:6 MSG
Live, love, and laugh your way through this worry-less Wednesday!