Grace morning on this winsome and wonderful Wednesday.
If you’re troubled about many things, stop. Take each thought and roll that burden over to God. He can handle it. Make it a habit to give small and large concerns to God instantly. Before long casting your care feels as natural as breathing.
Sometimes, God will allow difficult situations, just to prove to you that He’s God. When you’re in difficult situations, God has people praying for you that you don’t know anything about, He will allow difficult situations, just to prove to you that He’s God. Some of the battles God allows in your life are not just about you; it’s to make a statement to the people around you. Nothing speaks louder than when people see the favor of God on your life. The fact that you overcame obstacles that should have held you back, will have people wanting to know more about how you came through. Always be mindful that God is in complete control and nothing can snatch you out of His hands.
“Behold, God is mine helper: The Lord is with them that uphold my soul.”
Psalm 54:4 KJV
Live, love, and laugh your way through this incredible worry-less Wednesday!