Grace morning on this serene and seismic Sunday.
A blessed mindset will lead to a blessed life. You may have obstacles that look too big, you don't see how you can accomplish your dream, but the blessing on your life is more powerful than any force that tries to stop you. Blessings from God doesn't do you any good, if you think you're limited, you've been through too much, your family didn't support you, you never get any good breaks. Limited thinking will lead to a limited life.God wants to bless you in such a way, that others want what you have. Others will see you’re so happy, so healthy, so successful, so generous, so stable, always in a good mood, that you stand out. You're an example of God's goodness. Not barely getting by, but blessed in such a way that you can be a blessing to others. You're not only accomplishing your dreams, seeing overflow, setting new standards, but you're helping others to rise higher. Don't have a limited mentality, have a blessed mentality.
“wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed.”
Luke 7:7 KJV
Live, love, and laugh tut way through this sensational and satisfying Sunday!